My Sample
Didima Pro Bold
I have drawn and developed writing styles for as long as my family and I can remember. The font I call »Didima« I created over three decades. I have reserved its use for homemade cards, special occasions and special people in my life. In 2002 I was severely injured in a paragliding accident and spent four months in hospital. I wanted to write a »thank-you card« to all who had supported me. As there were so many cards to produce I sought the help of my friends who are graphic designers, to mass print my card. It was from this and previous cards of mine that they mentioned the potential of my font »Didima« as a commercial entity. Their technical expertise guided the creation of the product. Because of our association with Nepal my husband and I have called the font »Didima«. »Didima« means »little sister« in Nepali. That is the story of »Didima«. AMC
Copyright and trademark
Copyright of design and/or Trademark by Veronika Elsner, Günther Flake GbR or its licensors. Copyright of digital font software by Veronika Elsner, Günther Flake GbR. This font software may not be reproduced, modified, decoded, disclosed or transferred without the written approval of Veronika Elsner, Günther Flake GbR. All rights reserved.
Veronika Elsner, Günther Flake GbR reserve the right of changes and to revise this font software and change the contents without any obligation to notify any person of such revision or changes.